Home Learning for Students
Microsoft 365 – Are you a team player?
Hull Trinity House Academy provides all staff and students free access to Microsoft Office 365 apps offsite on their home devices (Windows PC & Laptops, Apple Macs, Smartphones) to support home learning. This includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook Email and Calendar, One Drive Cloud Storage, Teams Classrooms, plus many more of the Microsoft 365 packages to utilise.
Home Learning Expectations
We believe that home learning should allow pupils time to process the information they have been given during lessons, while away from the classroom environment. We know that acquisition of knowledge is vital for pupils when completing exams at the end of their courses. As a Trust, we have knowledge organisers written for every term for KS3 students which cover English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, SMSC, PSHE and PE. Subjects that are specific to the academy have their own knowledge organisers, such as French and Art. The knowledge organisers give key details that students need to learn. They are age appropriate and linked to the programme of study.
Knowledge organisers are given as paper copies to students so that they can be accessed by both pupils and parents. In lessons, teachers may test the students on their ability to recall the key facts they have been asked to learn from the knowledge organisers that they have been given (You Know the Drill section of the lesson). This will make up part of future lessons, or they may be asked to process the information in another way, such as creating a poster or revision tool. In addition to this, staff on the gate will ask to check a student’s knowledge organiser exercise book to ensure that they are completing their recall activities in line with academy expectations.
In addition to knowledge organisers, subject teachers may give supplementary home learning tasks that are linked to the learning that is taking place. In Maths and French, the supplementary learning is hosted on online platforms, such as Sparx, Hegarty Maths and LanguageNut.
At KS4, students will receive a bespoke package of home learning dependent on their option choices. They will also have access to GCSEPod and other revision tools. In Year 11, support with how to organise and complete revision will take place in November of each year with parents/guardians and students invited to attend a revision evening where they will receive resources and support for independent studies.
Students will be rewarded for completion of home learning/homework in line with the rewards policy. Outstanding contributions will be recognised through Proud Thursdays.
Homework Club
To support students with their home learning, the academy LRC will be open after school to allow students to complete any home learning tasks in a supportive environment whilst having access to IT facilities. In addition, departments may choose to run additional support after school for students that require subject specific support to complete their home learning tasks to an acceptable standard.
The role of the student
- To listen to home learning instructions in class.
- To copy down instructions for the task and deadline date into their planner.
- To ensure that home learning is completed and handed in to meet the deadline.
- To attempt all work and give their best.
- To inform the class teacher of any difficulties and access support where available
The Role of Parents/Guardians
Parents/Guardians should appreciate that home learning is an important activity and that they have a key role to play in ensuring that extension studies will be completed to the best of their child’s ability.
Parents are encouraged to provide practical support for home learning by:
- Establishing a routine whereby home learning is given a recognised place in home life.
- Discussing home learning with the young person regularly.
- Checking and signing the academic planner when required.
- Providing an appropriate place where study can be undertaken.
The role of the Class Teacher
The class teacher controls the direction of home learning and the nature of tasks undertaken.
The teacher will:
- Set home learning.
- Provide the stimulus.
- Give full and comprehensive instructions.
- Set deadlines for completed work and ensure that they are met.
- Provide help and support.
This policy should be read in conjunction with:
- The assessment, marking and feedback policy
- The teaching and learning policy